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Rules & Regulations For Quiz
1. Each batch should consist of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 4 members
2. It is not necessary that the participants forming a batch should be from the same college
3. There is no restriction on the number of batches from the same college
4. The questions shall be in the form of multiple choice, True/False statement, specific
answer question e.t.c
5. The batch will get 30sec time to answer the question
6. The no.of rounds will be conducted based on the no.of batches formed
7. Each round comprises of 20 questions
8. Audience shall not give hints/clues to the competitors
9. Offline registration is compulsory for each participant
10. Decision of the judges will be final
11. Members should carry a valid student ID card of their respective college, JUDGES DECISION WILL BE FINAL

Ms. P. Bhagya Lakshmi

+91 7095789942

1. M.Raghavendra
2. P.S.Vishnu vardhan
+91 9603382468


CAD - (Creative Art Design)

Description: CAD modeling competition is based on Computer aided designing software. We will
provide a civil engineering related pdf drawings. You need to draft same drawing on the Auto CAD.

Rules and Regulations:
1. Maximum 1 participant per team.
2. PDF drawing will be given at the time of competition.
3. Points are noted for drafting, detailing, labelling and colouring.
4. The final result will be judged on the basis of completeness and optimum time.
5. Top two team will be awarded with prize and merit certificate.JUDGES DECISION WILL BE FINAL


Mr. U Sai Krishna
+91 9553948864

1. M Amarnadh
+91 7013745799
2. T.Sanjay Kumar
+91 6301606605



Description: Want to perform operations on the lathe machine?? This is it, an event where you show how
strong your workshop skills are. Lathe War is a manufacturing event about command and
accuracy to prove your proficiency on a Lathe machine.

Problem Statement:
• The participants will be given a 2-D drawing which they have to manufacture with minimum
tolerances in the given time.
• Participants will be tested in 2 rounds. Information regarding the rounds will be disclosed at the
time of event.

Team Specification and Eligibility:
• A team can consist maximum of 3 members.
• Students from same as well as different educational institutes can form a team.
• Participants must carry with them a valid ID card (college or voter ID)

• Job completion time will be told at the time of event.
• Raw material will be provided for the competition. Carrying any extra material is not allowed.
• Extra material will not be provided in any case of problem.
• If any team member found consulting/trying to consult/helping any other person or team
member, both will be disqualified on the spot. JUDGES DECISION WILL BE FINAL


Mr. K Ramu
+91 8919916057

1.D Kesava Kishore
+91 8688580327
2.A Gopal krishna
+91 9515996469

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